2021 is here and it’s not looking far different from 2020. This year looks like another year of inner work for us all and I know for myself last year was a year of so much self-discovery.
A huge lesson for me was learning how it feels to lose a primary source of income. Through that lesson, I had to go to back to that imaginary space in my mind that I didn’t touch on as much as I should have been. I think it’s because I was so involved with building up my shop every weekend in the last 8 years, I forgot how to reimagine my life.
The lows of 2020 also brought many highs for myself & my shop. I can officially say I’m working on creating a life my inner child is proud of. For example, it’s Tuesday evening and I’m sitting in my own first ever apartment at the age of 31 years old in beautiful Southern California and I feel so blessed. I am full-time running my business from my own place and I plan to make 2021 my most successful one yet. With that being said, I can now sit and think about the things that have been missing from my life & my business.
I have always felt that my presence at my shop is what sets me apart from others but because of the changes in the past year I had to convert my presence into a virtual experience. As much as I feel like I have successfully done that with all the new services I’ve created to cater to my customers online, I miss that in person experience of greeting my customers and assisting them through the shop or even just a kind conversation as they wait for their Nachos from the BBQ booth at the Downtown Anaheim Farmers Market.
When I reminisce about the Farmers Markets that's what puts the biggest smile on my face, knowing I have so many customers who would take the time out of their day to go out of their way and visit me. I remember my favorite gifts from my customers was some fresh lemonade from the Hot Dog Booth or some fresh flowers from the market. I know I have to move forward but the time spent with those specific people can never be replicated and I’m forever changed by every individual who ever crossed my path as I physically worked my ass off to create something out of nothing every week on the streets.
It’s 2021 and every goal I set for my business when I started this shop at 22 years old (2012) has been hit.
- Reach 10K on one platform (I have two platforms with more than 10k)
- Be completely independent. (Moved out of my parents home in December of 2020)

To me this is success. Knowing that I depend on me to make my life as purposeful as possible. For some my path has been less than what they would prefer but I believe I got my hands dirty, I planted seeds and I waited for my harvest.

I want to continue to plant seeds into the direction I want my life to go in so sharing more of my day to day life is what I plan on doing. If its just a blog or a Vlog on YouTube my intention to bring more of my presence into this virtual reality world we all are now conducting life in. I genuinely am grateful for these fresh beginnings at my shop and for every single one of you who are or continue to follow along with me and my journey!
P.S. What Blogs or Vlogs would you like to see from the the shop? Drop a comment below on any ideas you have!